Thursday, June 28, 2012

Switching Gears

Greeting or welcome back! I straight up abandoned this blog, but let's get back to business!

If you know me well, you know that my musical taste is a mix of EVERYTHING! My "musical mood" switches up from time to time and this go 'round, I am on my jazz kick. This is not the first time. I remember in 2001, I picked up a Nina Simone CD out of sheer curiosity and I was blown away. Her voice was beautiful. She sang with a power that I'd never heard before. My favorite song on that CD was "Images." I always felt like that song was written for me. So of course the Nina Simone station on my Pandora has been rocking.....I will say this, there is something about jazz that puts me in an amourous mood. I was listening to "Bowties and Polkadots" and I just imagined that kind of early morning loving that puts a smile on your face. Not because of then act, but because you are in a bubble of happy. My new mood music.....jazz.